#Scotland17 Day Three: Lochs, firth and two smoking properties*

“Contrary to popular belief, the Loch Ness Monster is not a dinosaur – it’s a huge mutant duck” -Gluber

Today I decided to go off the main A9 route for something a bit more “Loch”, and Scotland didn’t disappoint! Sweeping landscapes with moody mountain ranges, incredible bodies of water and long winding roads.

I visited two Historic Scotland properties – Urquhart Castle (cool but uber busy) and Fort George (immense in every sense of the word) – then hit Inverness for an early evening wander and some dinner. A great day, and getting ever closer to the north. Who know’s if I’ll have the internet tomorrow; won’t promise pictures for a few days!

* Please note no towers were smoking – this was simply trying to create a movie based blog title. Apologies for the misinformation, no refunds will be made.


  1. August 9, 2017

    Not long until shetland… We are all excited about your arrival. And when I say all, I mean all of Shetland.

    P.s. might I suggest the next film based blog title be “Done Wick” (you know… Instead of John Wick?) Except you’d actually have to ‘do’ Wick which might not be worth it

    • twelveviews
      August 9, 2017

      So looking forward to seeing you πŸ™‚

      I went to Lidl in Wick… don’t know if that counts! Wifi here is shakey, 3G non-existent so won’t be able to do photo bits today.

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